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How To Floss Your Teeth

How To Floss Your Teeth

While many individuals brush their teeth every day, not everyone flosses their teeth as often as they brush them. According to a nationwide survey, 34% of British citizens never floss and 42% do not change their toothbrush/brush head every 3 months!

It is not enough, of course, to simply floss. The key is to floss correctly. Potentially, insufficient flossing can damage your teeth and gums. So, if you're uncertain of the proper way to clean your teeth, here's a step-by-step guide to the right way to floss your teeth.

Flossing: What are the steps to follow?

1. Choose a floss

There are many kinds of floss available, either from your dentist or from a local store. Select one that will fulfil your needs. For starters, since their teeth are in close contact, some people have trouble with floss snagging and breaking. There is floss designed for that purpose.

2. Dispense the floss

Take approximately 18 inches of floss before brushing your teeth, and wind each end around your middle fingers. With your index (pointer) finger and thumb, snatch 1 to 2 inches of the floss.

3. Begin flossing

In a sawing motion, gently glide the floss in between the teeth. Use care not to snap the floss between the teeth as this may cause the tissue or the tooth itself to experience trauma.

4. Angle the floss correctly

Angle the floss so that in a "c" shape it embraces the tooth. Slide the floss up and down the tooth's surface gently to ensure that it goes just below the gum line. Upon completion, angle the floss in the opposite direction to hug the tooth and repeat this step.

5. Floss between all your teeth

Continue to floss both the lower and upper teeth. Try working in a clockwise direction, starting on your left side with your upper molars and then finishing on your left side with your lower molars. Unwind the floss from your fingers as you move on to each set of teeth, and rewind it so that there is a clean section of floss to use. 

Toss the used floss when you have done flossing, and do not save it for reuse. When you use it again, bacteria and debris that you have already worked so hard to eliminate are reintroduced.

6. Be sure to brush your teeth afterwards

Proceed with brushing and rinse with either water or mouthwash when you have done flossing. After flossing, you don't actually have to brush your teeth, so don't miss flossing if you don't have a handy toothbrush or sink. 

The American Dental Association does not take a stance about whether it is preferable to floss before or after brushing, and there are no good studies that suggest that one approach is better than the other. What is crucial is that you clean your teeth well every day and brush your teeth twice a day. 

Floss or use another strategy to brush at least once a day between your teeth and make it part of your routine. In the morning, if you don't have time to floss, always floss in the evening before your last brush of the day.

Why should you floss?

Flossing helps to lift and release food and plaque trapped between your teeth, removing these contaminants from your mouth when brushing. The food and plaque stays in your mouth until the next time you clean, so make sure to floss first then brush your teeth afterwards. It is recommended by the NHS to floss at least once a day and brush your teeth twice a day.


More than just brushing your teeth, proper oral hygiene requires It also includes flossing and learning how to properly floss. 

Flossing helps extract from between your teeth bacteria, plaque, and food, and it decreases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Make sure you also schedule periodic dental cleanings at least twice a year, along with daily brushing and flossing.

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